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  • 1994年及1995年,迟惠生教授两次获得国际神经网络学会颁发的“神经网络领导奖”(Neural Network Leadership Award)。

  • 1997年,参加中国教育和科研计算机网CERNET示范工程工作,作为集体成员之一获国家教委科技进步一等奖

  • 1999年,国家攀登计划项目“神经网络理论及其智能信息处理应用基础”获教育部科技进步一等奖。

  • 2000年,国家九五攻关项目“国家空间信息基础设施关键技术研究》获得国家教育部科技成果二等奖,并被评为当年中国高等学校十大科技进展之一

  • 2000年,吴玺宏教授获9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app青年教师教学基本功竞赛二等奖。

  • 2005年,吴玺宏教授获教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划支持。

  • 2005年,迟惠生教授作为第一署名人,获“国家级教学成果奖”一等奖。


  • 2000年,国家自然科学基金重点项目“听觉计算模型及其在说话人识别中的应用研究”通过教育部组织的专家成果鉴定。

  • 2005年,研究课题“人工耳蜗和助听器中的若干关键技术研究”通过了由中国残疾人康复协会听力语言康复专业委员会组织的成果鉴定。


  • 2000年,获国际神经网络联合大会 (IJCNN'2000) “最佳论文奖”(Best Paper Award)。

  • 2002年,获第十二届全国神经计算大会 (12th CNNC)“最佳论文奖”(Best Paper Award)。

  • 2005年,获第八届全国人机语音通讯学术会议(8th NCMMSC)“最佳论文奖”(Best Paper Award)。


  • 2003年,“基于音频广播的隐藏通信工作”参加由美国德州仪器公司主办的DSP大赛,取得三等奖。

  • 2004年,“电视字幕的文本语音自动对齐系统”代表学院取得2004年9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app“挑战杯”理科硕士生组第一名。

  • 2004年,参加“863”计划中文信息处理与智能人机接口技术评测,取得“中文命名体识别”任务的第一名。

  • 2005年,参加美国国家技术标准局举办的“自动内容抽取(ACE)”国际评测,取得单项第一名。

  • 2006年,参加ACL-SIGHAN组织的中文分词国际评测,取得单项第一名。



[1] J.Huang, Z.G.Yang, J.L.Ping, X.Liu, X.H.Wu, L.Li, "Perceptual learning and emotional learning enhances rats' detection of correlation changes in spatially separated sounds", Hearing Research, Vol.223, No.1-2, pp.1-10, 2007.
[2] Dan Zou, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Liang Li, "Metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptors modulate fear-conditioning induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats", Neuropharmacology, Vol.52, No.2, pp.476-486, January, 2007.


[1] Bruce Schneider, Liang Li, Meredyth Daneman, Xihong Wu, Zhigang Yang, Jing Chen, Ying Huang, "A cross-linguistic study of informational masking: English versus Chinese", the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(ASA), pp.3292-3296, Novermber, 2006.
[2] Juan Huang, Zhigang Yang, Junli Ping, Xian Liu, Xihong Wu, Liang Li, "The influence of the perceptual or fear learning on rats’ prepulse inhibition induced by changes in the correlation between two spatially separated noise sounds", Hearing Research, Vol.223, No.1-2, pp.1-10, Novermber, 2006.
[3] Ying Huang, Xihong Wu, Qiang Huang, Liang Li, "Combined manipulations of the perceived location and spatial extent of the speech-target image predominantly affect speech-on-speech masking", the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(JASA), Novermber, 2006.
[4] Zhigang Yang, Jing Chen, Xihong Wu, Ying Huang, Bruce Schneider, Liang Li, "Auditory priming releases Chinese speech from informational masking", the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.3341-3342, Novermber, 2006.
[5] Qin Gao, Xiaojun Lin, Xihong Wu, "Just-in-time Latent Semantic Adaptation on Language Model for Chinese Speech Recognition Using Web Data", International Workshop on Spoken Language Technology(SLT), pp.50-53, September, 2006.
[6] Runqiang Han, Pei Zhao, Qin Gao, Zhiping Zhang, Hao Wu, Xihong Wu, "CASA Based Speech Separation for Robust Speech Recognition", International Conference on Speech and Language Processing(ICSLP), pp.78-81, September, 2006.
[7] Xinhao Wang, Xiaojun Lin, Dianhai Yu, Hao Tian, Xihong Wu, "Chinese Word Segmentation with Maximum Entropy and N-gram Language Model", the Fifth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing, pp.138-141, July, 2006.
[8] Ying Huang, Xihong Wu, Qiang Huang, Liang Li, "Combined manipulations of the perceived location and spatial extent of the speech-target image predominantly affect speech-on-speech masking", the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(JASA), Novermber, 2006.
[9] Xihong Wu, Jing Chen, Zhigang Yang, Qiang Huang, Liang Li, "Effect of number of masking talkers on masking of Chinese speech", the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.3127-3131, Novermber, 2006.
[10] 吴玺宏, 吴昊, 高勤, 林小俊, 王馨浩, "潜语义分析语言模型及其在汉语大词汇连续语音识别中的应用", 吉林大学学报(理学版), Vol.44, No.1, pp.16-20, 2006.1
[11] 李楠欣, 平俊丽, 吴玺宏, 李量, "精神分裂症的神经发育动物模型研究", 中国临床康复, Vol.10, No.1, pp.154-157, 2006.1


[1] DingSheng Luo, Xinhao Wang, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "Outlier learning based Chinese webpages categorization", CAAI-11, pp.526-531, Novermber, 2005.
[2] 吴玺宏, "“鸡尾酒会”效应与计算听觉场景分析", 第八届全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 2005.10
[3] 陈婧, 屈宏伟, 吴玺宏, 李量, 迟惠生, "言语识别中感知空间分离的去掩蔽效应及相位信息的作用", 第八届全国人机语言通讯学术会议, pp.13-17, 2005.10
[4] Xinhao Wang, Dingsheng Luo, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "Improving Chinese text categorization by outlier learning", IEEE International Conference on Nature Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering(IEEE NLP-KE2005), pp.602-607, October, 2005.
[5] 陈婧, 屈宏伟, 吴玺宏, 李量, 迟惠生, "言语识别中感知空间分离的去掩蔽效应及相位信息的作用", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.13-17, 2005.10
[6] 周丹, 曲天书, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "一种改进的无参考源的客观音质评价方法", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.527-530, 2005.10
[7] 韩润强, 张志平, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "一种改进的语音增强方法及其在语音识别中的应用", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.458-461, 2005.10
[8] 赵硕, 曲天书, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "一种改进的基于双麦克风阵列的自适应零限波束形成语音增强方法", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.454-457, 2005.10
[9] 马强, 吴荣彬, 曲天书, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "一种数字助听器系统研究开发平台的实现", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.574-577, 2005.10
[10] 黄松芳, 吴昊, 高勤, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "汉语广播新闻语音的自动识别和标注", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.117-120, 2005.10
[11] 汤胜良, 张士礼, 张志平, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "基于新闻联播语料库的语音合成系统", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.326-329, 2005.10
[12] 吴玺宏, 陈婧, 李量, "知觉性空间分离对听觉掩蔽的释放作用", 第一届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会, 2005.11
[13] 高勤, 吴昊, 袁丽, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "语音识别系统实时优化方法研究及实现", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.172-175, 2005.10
[14] Dingsheng Luo, Xinhao Wang, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "Outliers learning and its applications", Neural Networks and Brain, 2005. ICNN&B '05. International Conference on, pp.661-666, October, 2005.
[15] Dingsheng LUO, Xinhao WANG, Xihong WU, Huisheng CHI, "Learning effective features for Chinese text categorization", Proceeding ofNLP-KE'05, pp.608-613, October, 2005.
[16] 邹丹, 黄娟, 李量, "听觉情绪学习及其神经机制", 中国临床康复杂志, Vol.28, pp.149-151, 2005.9
[17] 吴艳红, 李文瑞, 陈婧, 王纯, 曲宏伟, 吴玺宏, 李量, "主观空间分离下的汉语信息掩蔽效应", 声学学报, Vol.30, No.5, pp.462-467, 2005.9
[18] Dingsheng Luo, Xinhao Wang, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "Learning outliers to refine a corpus for chinese webpage categorization", the International Conference on Natural ComputationLNCS 3610(ICNC 2005), pp.167-178, August, 2005.
[19] Jian Xiao, Juan Huang, "The effects of pretreatment of metyrapone and 6-OHDA on the immune function of mice exposed in emotional stress", The 28th International Congress of Psychology, August, 2005.
[20] Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Gang Qi, Bruce Schneider, Shuchang He, Claude Alain, Liang Li, "The Event-related brain potentials to uncorrelated fragment of noise", Journal of the Acoustic Society of American, June, 2005.
[21] Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Zhigang Yang, Junli Ping, Xian Liu, Yixin Chen, Liang Li, "Emotional learning modulates the rat’s sensitivity to transient changes in correlation between sounds", The Journal of the Acoustic Society of American, June, 2005.
[22] Yu Jiao, Xihong Wu, "A Novel Objective Spatial Quality Evaluation Method for Reproduced Sound", Audio Engineering Society(AES), May, 2005.
[23] 黄娟, 吴玺宏, 何瑜, 戚钢, C. Alain, B. A. Schneider, 李量, "双耳噪音相关性变化片断所诱发的事件相关电位", 第一届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会, 2005.11
[24] 李承智, 曲天书, 吴玺宏, "用于声源定位和跟踪的一种改进的AEDA算法", 9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场app学报, Vol.41, No.9, pp.809-814, 2005.5
[25] Yu Jiao, Zhiping Zhang, Tianshu Qu, Xihong Wu, "A Novel Objective Localization Quality", the AES 118th Convention, May, 2005.
[26] Liang Li, Xihong Wu, Jing Chen, Chenfei Ma, Chun Wang, Hongwei Qu, Bruce Schneider, "The effect of perceived spatial separation on releasing speech from masking in normal listeners with “cochlear-implant ears", Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Sicence 15th Annual Meeting, May, 2005.
[27] Liang Li, Juan Huang, Dan Zou, Xihong Wu, Zhigang Yang, Junli Ping, Yixin Chen, Xian Liu, "Emotional learning modulates the rat’s sensitivity to transient break in sound correlation and that in sound energy", Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Sicence 15th Annual Meeting, May, 2005.
[28] Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, John Yeomans, Liang Li, "Opposite effects of tetanic stimulation of the auditory thalamus or auditory cortex on the acoustic startle reflex in awake rats", European Journal of Neuroscienc, Vol.21, No.7, pp.1943-1956, April, 2005.
[29] Bruce Schneider, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, "The difference in auditory memory between young and aged listeners with normal hearing", Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.2597-2600, April, 2005.
[30] Liang Li, Xihong Wu, Jing Chen, Lingzhi Kong, Ying Huang, Qiang Huang, James Qi, Yuan Yao, Bruce Schneider, "The fading of auditory memory", Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.2599-2600, April, 2005.
[31] Dan Zou, Xihong Wu, Liang Li, "Fear conditioning facilitates rats gap detection measured by prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex", Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.2395-2395, April, 2005.
[32] Jing Chen, Chenfei Ma, Chun Wang, Hongwei Qu, Xihong Wu, Bruce Schneider, Liang Li, "Training listeners or preserving phase information improves the effect of perceived spatial separation on releasing spectrally degraded Chinese speech from information masking", Conference of the Acoustical Society of America, pp.2537-2538, April, 2005.
[33] Shuchang He, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Liang Li, "Glutamate and GABAB transmissions in lateral amygdala are involved in startle-like EMG potentiation caused by activation of auditory thalamus", Neuroscience Letters, Vol.374, No.2, pp.113-118, February, 2005.
[34] 黄娟, 吴玺宏, 戚钢, B. A. Schneider, 李量, "年轻人和老年人的听觉记忆的差异", 第一届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会, 2005.11
[35] Xihong Wu, Chun Wang, Jing Chen, Hongwei Qu, Wenrui Li, Yanhong Wu, Bruce Schneider, Liang Li, "The effect of perceived spatial separation on informational masking of Chinese speech", Hearing Research, Vol.199, No.1, pp.1-10, January, 2005.
[36] B. A. Schneider, Xihong Wu, Jing Chen, M. Daneman, Liang Li, "Perceived Spatial Separation Releases Speech from Informational Masking", Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 15th Annual Meeting(CSBBCS), January, 2005.
[37] Liang Li, Dan Zou, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, "Fear-conditioning-induced eFear-conditioning-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition is modulated by metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptors in rats", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, January, 2005.
[38] Liang Li, Juan Huang, Bruce A. Schneider, Xihong Wu, Jing Chen, Lingzhi Kong, Ying Huang, Qiang Huang, Yuan Yao., "Auditory memory of fine details, Canadian Society for Brain", Behaviour and Cognitive Science 15th Annual Meeting, January, 2005.
[39] Liang Li, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, John Yeomans, "Opposite effects of tetanization of the auditory thalamus or auditory cortex on the acoustic startle reflex in awake rats, Canadian Society for Brain", Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Sicence 15th Annual Meeting, January, 2005.
[40] 黄娟, 吴玺宏, 李量, "情绪学习调节大鼠对噪音间相关性变化的觉察", 第一届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会, 2005.11
[41] 邹丹, 黄娟, 吴玺宏, 李量, "恐惧条件学习促进大鼠由噪音间断所引起的前脉冲抑制", 第一届全国脑与认知科学学术研讨会, 2005.11
[42] Juan Huang, John Yeomans, Liang Li, "A new behavioral model for studying plasticity in the neural circuit mediating auditory fear conditioning", Medical Sciences and Clinics, Novermber, 2005.
[43] 林小俊, 田浩, 王馨浩, 杜蕴璇, 许敏, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "语言模型训练语料处理方法及解码词典的设计", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.164-168, 2005.10
[44] 田浩, 林小俊, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "统计与规则相结合的多音字自动注音方法研究与实现", 声学技术, Vol.24, No.0, pp.508-511, 2005.10


[1] Chun Wang, Yang Wang, Hao Wu, Qiang Huang, Tianshu Qu, Xihong Wu, Xiaolin Zhou, Liang Li, "Location-based auditory inhibition of return is perceptually driven", Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association(CAA), pp.221-223, October, 2004.
[2] Dingsheng Luo, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "On Outlier Problem of Statistical Ensemble Learning", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications(AIA-2004), pp.281-286, February, 2004.
[3] Yong Cheng, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "A study on prosodic boundaries location in Chinese mandarin and selecting algorithm for waveform units", Universitatis Pekinensis (ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium), Vol.40, No.3, pp.451-457, January, 2004.
[4] Huandong Liu, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "Designment and implementation of a computer aided speech training system for deaf children", Universitatis Pekinensis (ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium), Vol.40, No.3, pp.444-450, January, 2004.
[5] Guangcheng Zhang, Xiangsheng Huang, Xihong Wu, "Boosting statistical local features for face recognition", Advances in Biometric Person Authentication (Proceedings of the 5th China Biometrics Conference)3338, pp.179-186, January, 2004.
[6] Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, John Yeomans, Liang Li, "Tetanic stimulation of auditory thalamus or auditory cortex produces opposite effects on the acoustic startle reflex in awake rats", Proceedings of Society for Neuroscience(SFN), pp.22-23, October, 2004.
[7] Jing Chen, Chun Wang, Hongwei Qu, Wenrui Li, Yanhong Wu, Xihong Wu, Bruce A. Schneider, Liang Li, "Perceived spatial separation induced by the precedence effect releases Chinese speech from informational masking", Canadian Acoustics, Vol.32, No.3, pp.186-187, September, 2004.
[8] Liang Li, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, James G.Qi, Bruce A.Schneider, "Detection of a break in the sound correlation: a measurement of the auditory memory and aging", Proceedings of The XXVIIth congress of audiology(ISA), pp.338-338, September, 2004.
[9] Shuchang He, Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Liang Li, "The effects of activation of the auditory thalamus and cortex on the startle reflex are regulated by glutamate and GABAB receptors in the lateral amygdala", Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology(ICP 2004), pp.3078-3078, August, 2004.
[10] Liang Li, Xihong Wu, Chun Wang, Jing Chen, Hongwei Qu, Wenrui Li, Yanhong Wu, Bruce A. Schneider, "Release from Informational Masking due to Perceived Spatial Separation in Chinese Speech Recognition", Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology(ICP 2004), pp.4038-4038, August, 2004.
[11] Juan Huang, Shuchang He, John Yeomans, Liang Li, "The startle reflex enhanced by tetanic stimulation of the auditory thalamus but suppressed by that of the auditory cortex in awake rats", The 28th International Conference of Psychology, August, 2004.
[12] Juan Huang, Xihong Wu, Gang Qi, Bruce Schneider, Liang Li, "Detection of Uncorrelated Sounds Fragment Embedded in Correlated Noise Sounds: A Measurement of the Interaural Memory and Auditory aging", The 2004 annual conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, May, 2004.
[13] Liang Li, Xihong Wu, Chun Wang, Jing Chen, Hongwei Qu, Wenrui Li, Yanhong Wu, Bruce A. Schneider, "Perceived Spatial Separation Releases Chinese Speech from Informational Masking", Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics(ICA 2004), pp.221-227, April, 2004.


[1] 朱杰斌, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "结合语义和声纹信息的说话人身份确认", 第4届中国生物特征识别会议,北京(Sinobiometrics 2003), pp.210-216, 2003.12
[2] Yanhua Cao, Xihong Wu, Songhuang Huang, "On the Personalized Courseware Layout in E-learning", 7th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2003), May, 2003.
[3] Dingsheng Luo, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "A new boosting method to handwritten digit recognition problem", Proceedings of the 7th Annual Joint Workshop on Modern Electronic Technology and Applications, pp.97-104, February, 2003.
[4] 吴玺宏, 马成, 陈婧, 李量, 迟惠生, "一种测量听觉系统时间分辨率的新方法", 中国言语听力康复科学杂志, Vol.1, No.1, pp.13-15, 2003.11
[5] 罗定生, 吴玺宏, 迟惠生, "统计系综学习中基于组加权策略的野点抑制", 中国人工智能学会第10届全国学术年会论文集, pp.401-406, 2003.11
[6] 刘华东, 罗定生, 吴玺宏, "面向聋儿的计算机言语训练方法研究及系统实现", 第五界听力国际大会, 2003.10
[7] 吴玺宏, 陈婧, 马成, 李量, 迟惠生, "一种测量听觉系统时间分辨率的新方法", 第五界听力国际大会, 2003.10
[8] Dingsheng Luo, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "A new data selection strategy based ensemble learning to speaker identification problem", The 8th Annual Joint Workshop on Modern Electronic Technology and Applications, pp.115-122, October, 2003.
[9] Xihong Wu, Dingsheng Luo, Huisheng Chi, Harold Szu, "Biomimetics speaker identification systems for network security gatekeepers", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN 2003), pp.3189-3194, July, 2003.
[10] Dingsheng Luo, Ke Chen, "Refine Decision Boundaries of a Statistical Ensemble by Active Learning", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN 2003), pp.1523-1528, July, 2003.
[11] Xihong Wu, Songhuang Huang, Yanhua Cao, "Designing for the Personalized Learning Module", 7th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2003), May, 2003.


[1] Dingsheng Luo, Xihong Wu, Huisheng Chi, "A relative entropy based confidence method on using boosting to handwritten digit recognition problem", Proceedings of the 12th Chinese National Conference on Neural Networks, pp.440-443, December, 2002.
[2] Yanhua Cao, Huisheng Chi, "The Personalized Courseware Authoring Tool", Proceedings of World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education(E-Learning 2002), pp.2787-2791, October, 2002.
[3] 吴玺宏, 周昊朗, 迟惠生, "一个面向说话人识别的汉语语音库", 第三届全国生物特征识别学术会议, pp.213-216, 2002.9
[4] Dingsheng Luo, Ke Chen, "On the use of statistical ensemble methods for telephone-line speaker identification", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems(ICCCAS'02), pp.904-908, June, 2002.
[5] Dingsheng Luo, Ke Chen, "A comparative study of statistical ensemble methods on mismatch conditions", 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN 2002), pp.59-64, May, 2002.
[6] Bin Zhen, Xihong Wu, Zhimin Liu, Huisheng Chi, "An enhanced relative spectral processing of speech", Chinese Journal of Acoustics, Vol.21, No.1, pp.86-96, January, 2002.
[7] Yanhua Cao, Huisheng Chi, "Studies on the Interactions in the Distance Learning System", Proceedings of 6th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE2002), pp.269-272, June, 2002.

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